Thursday, September 1, 2016

James's brochure

                Brazil flag
Brazil info
Brazil is the 5TH largest country in the world

 The national bird in Brazil Is called the Macaw.

  201 million people live in
 Brazil (2013)

This brochure
is  by



Image result for brazil epic view

What  language

do Brazilians speak?

They speak Spanish  and Portuguese.

Brazil has been the largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years.

Brazilian people eat Barbecued meat
And drink Cachaca and Eat Moqueca.

  • cachaca
  • Barbecued meat
  • Coxinhas

  • Misto Quente

  • Pavé

  • Quindim

            More facts

Apple's iPhone is almost twice more expensive in Brazil than in the U.S.
There's an underground river  beneath the Amazon River in Brazil, that might be as long, but hundreds of times wider.
Brazil's Capital,Brasilia, looks like an aeroplane from
Image result for brazil capital air plane from above

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