Thursday, November 2, 2017

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Memoir Writing

Memoir Writing
  • When I was little I remember going to China when I just turned Four. It was a long flight and I felt like Vomiting, But if it was worth it because china Has Disney land  and Theme parks.

  • When I arrived at china. I was completely speechless  because china is massive. We we left the airport they're were a enormous amount of traffic.

  • In China When it's summer the sun is scorching, sizzling hot, but when It's Winter It's always like sub-zero degrees.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Image result for earthquake word
The monstrous rubble destroyed the Peaceful, wonderful Beijing town and killed hundreds of people .Did you know the biggest earthquake know hit Chile on May 22, 1960.

How are EarthQuakes made?  When the tectonic plates go slowly there will be no earthquakes, but once the pressure gets strong enough the tectonic plates will suddenly move causing an earthquake.

Earthquakes involve the powerful movement of rocks. Did you know that more earthquake happened the northern hemisphere than the southern hemisphere.

When there's an earthquake, don't attempt to run outside
because something might fall on you and did you know if the earthquake struck the water it will cause a tsunami. To prepare for an earthquake you will need
Food, water, warm Clothes, a pair of sturdy shoes, a flashlight, radio, new batteries, medications and blankets.

Southern California has about 10,000 earthquakes each year, but though most earthquakes are so small that they are never felt. Did you know the deadliest earthquake known hit Shanxi, China on January 23, 1556 over 830,000 people died
during the massive Earthquake.

Thanks for listening to my speech I hope you’ve learnt something new.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

My subject is smell stinky Seaweed

Seaweed is a odd shape.soggy sloppy seaweed hovers across the deep blue ocean like drift wood.The texture of the sloppy soggy seaweed Feels like spongy squishy soggy textured seaweed.It smells like  fish and saltwater combined.seaweed reminds me of seaweed that you eat or the seaweed that is in sushi.I found the amazing seaweed at the pacific ocean.The seaweed traveled across the hummogos ocean.I wonder where it will go next ?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


As Autumn starts, cold wet days begin.The wonderful crispy leafs church when you mash the colourful leafs in your hands. As the colourful leaves fall from the tree .Leaves fall the freezing wind blows

As The icy days started wind blows and leaves fall from branchs.Autumn leaves come falling down red orange and Gold.The wonderful leaves are falling one by one.Lovely leaves start to fall down softly red yellow orange.



Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Syria Bang Bang!! bombs one by one landing on people's precious houses. My heart was pounding so fast like a cheetah running .Everybody screaming for their lives. Sounds of gun shots everywhere. People lay flat on the grave off the ground. Land mines go off as people walk over them and jets planes dropping bombs everywhere like it raining bombs people go. Scary ,terrifying tanks roaring like lions And bashing everything over like house.

Swamp writing

As fast as a cheetah, the hysterical ferocious beast threw it's neon green solid head above the putrid murky swampy water. As Tremendous As a Monstrous Mammoth Put it's reekless head above the creepy foggy water. It was big as a gigantic Tyrannosaurus Rex. The fierce swamp monster open his massive ferocious eyes and he opened his wild ,awful ,sharp mouth slowly like a Snail.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Thursday, July 27, 2017

A Winter Experience In Dunedin

‘’Beep beep beep!’’ Time to wake up! The Robotic voice calmly repeated. Sluggishly  I turned my limp , exhausted  body and stretched my arm  out slowly ,to turn my Robot like alarm clock off.

“Ohh”why do I have to wake up so early,It's Sub-Zero outside.
Silence defended my ears , As I layed there. No Sound of Cars roaring like a bears down the creepy road.No birds whistling and chirping in the kowhai tree ,nature’s very own alarm clock. No echoes of people getting ready for work. what was happening? I quickly peeled the blankets off my body like a Banana wound. Cool, crisp Dunedin air surrounded my body in a blanket, but I didn't’ like this  particular blanket so much because It's not soft at all. Soundlessly, I creeped down the long, cascading hall. Reaching the end of the hall, I placed my fingertips onto the antique glass door knob and rotated it to the right. The glaring light unconscious .What was going on? Kaikorai valley unbelievable exotic winter colors had turned pearly,pure white...

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The red rose leaf glides down like a helicopter landing. The yellow blazing glowing sun blasted in my eyes like a laser beam. It was silence until...birds started chirping like headless chicken peaking something.The wind blow the wonderful leaf of the smooth brown branch. The stem of the leaf feat like a rath log.The surface feat like smooth metal .The edges are sharp as dinosaurs teeth.The stem was orange like lava. Under the was like soggy weet bix.
As Autumn starts, cold wet days begin.The wonderful crispy leafs church when you mash the colourful leafs in your hands. As the colourful leaves fall from the tree .Leaves fall the freezing wind blows

As The icy days started wind blows and leaves fall from branchs. Autumn leaves come falling down red orange and Gold.The wonderful leaves are falling one by one.Lovely leaves start to fall down softly red yellow orange.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

BB-8 story

BB-8, sometimes spelled Beebee-Ate.BB-8 is 0.67m tall and his main color is orange and white. BB-8 is a transforming robot not like R2D2

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My subject is smell stinky Seaweed

My subject is smell stinky Seaweed
Seaweed is a odd shape.soggy sloppy seaweed hovers across the deep blue ocean like drift wood.The texture of the sloppy soggy seaweed Feels like spongy squishy soggy textured seaweed.It smells like  fish and saltwater combined.seaweed reminds me of seaweed that you eat or the seaweed that is in sushi.I found the amazing seaweed at the pacific ocean.The seaweed travelled across the enormous ocean.I wonder where it will go next ?

Thursday, March 16, 2017

James's eel report

               JAMES’S EEL REPORT

So to day we will be learning about eels Wow did you know there are EIGHT HUNDRED!!! different species of

Eels can weight up to 44 POUNDS eel are long as a 2 meter Ptyas snake.Eels have a super strong Jaw.

You can find eels under dark bridges,under leaves that are underwater, in deep dark tunnels, in horrifying dark barrows,you can also find them in dark and dirty water.

Eels enemies are large fish,barracuda, other eels,humans, sea snakes raccoons, seabirds.

Eels eat meat, large worms, water snails, medium sized fish, small crayfish,ducklings and tiny birds

They are scared around humans because some people catch them

Sunday, March 12, 2017



Kiwi are New Zealand's national bird. Today, I am going to talk to you about the Brown Kiwi and some very interesting facts about this amazing, majestic bird.

Appearance & Behaviours
The kiwi has long whiskers and long, sharp beak. The kiwi uses its beak to forage for food and attack it's predators if they attack the kiwi. Brown coloured feathers cover the kiwis body. The brown colour helps the kiwi to camouflage itself  to protect it and keep warm. Kiwis are shy around humans. Kiwi males scream louder than females.Kiwis are not mammals.

pig kill adult kiwis.Stoats, possums, rats and ferrets, cats and dogs and wessels eat any kiwis even babies.27 kiwis are killed each week in New Zealand.Female kiwis weight more than male kiwis kiwis are good at camouflaging at night Especially in little tunnel or a hole.

Kiwis eat enormous or tiny earthworms and they also eat fruit,grubs,berries,seeds,leaves and small crayfish from small pounds but not large pounds.

Kiwis live in deep dark barrows,green and brown native forests,scrubs and enormous sand dunes.