Sunday, June 26, 2016


Image result for Minecraft Epic logo
What  biomes are there in minecraft?
Plains Spikes Temperature: 0.0, Packed Ice, Snow,  Blocks, White and some Black & White Rabbits, Ice Spikes ,Cold Taiga Temperature: -0.5 Snow, Snowfall, Ice, Spruce Trees, Flowers, Wolves, White and some

Black & White Rabbits,Igloos.
If some mobs get struck by lightning
If villagers get struck by lightning they then into witches and if pigs get struck by lightning they then into zombie pigman.If creepers get struck by lightning they turn into a charged creeper.

One of the dimensions is the Nether. There are portals in minecraft you can go to different dimensions and the end which has the ender dragon and enderman.

What is minecraft?
Minecraft is a game that you can build with 3d blocks  
and you can make roller coasters and there's portals and other things.what game mode’s are there, there is creative which has unlimited supplies .The other one is survival which you have to get your own supplies. There are mobs that can kill you, blow your house up, attack you while you sleep and break your wooden door down which is very bad because it makes it easier to kill you. So in survival it is best to have an iron door because they can’t break it down.