Thursday, July 27, 2017

A Winter Experience In Dunedin

‘’Beep beep beep!’’ Time to wake up! The Robotic voice calmly repeated. Sluggishly  I turned my limp , exhausted  body and stretched my arm  out slowly ,to turn my Robot like alarm clock off.

“Ohh”why do I have to wake up so early,It's Sub-Zero outside.
Silence defended my ears , As I layed there. No Sound of Cars roaring like a bears down the creepy road.No birds whistling and chirping in the kowhai tree ,nature’s very own alarm clock. No echoes of people getting ready for work. what was happening? I quickly peeled the blankets off my body like a Banana wound. Cool, crisp Dunedin air surrounded my body in a blanket, but I didn't’ like this  particular blanket so much because It's not soft at all. Soundlessly, I creeped down the long, cascading hall. Reaching the end of the hall, I placed my fingertips onto the antique glass door knob and rotated it to the right. The glaring light unconscious .What was going on? Kaikorai valley unbelievable exotic winter colors had turned pearly,pure white...

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